Not docked.
Made my morning of no work productive: did dishes, ate breakfast, put away laundry.
Did some work on papers.
New episode of Family Guy.
Helen bought me pizza and a cookie when she brought me to class.
Annoying grad student wasn't in class.
Made a mock schedule for next quarter.
Still sick. This house is a cesspool for germs.
Henry wouldn't start which I figured because it's was below zero last night and high of 7 this morning when I tried him.
Had to call out of work, Dom was audibly pissed which made me feel like shit.
Pretty good despite a miserable morning.
Not docked.
Made my morning of no work productive: did dishes, ate breakfast, put away laundry.
Did some work on papers.
New episode of Family Guy.
Helen bought me pizza and a cookie when she brought me to class.
Annoying grad student wasn't in class.
Made a mock schedule for next quarter.
Still sick. This house is a cesspool for germs.
Henry wouldn't start which I figured because it's was below zero last night and high of 7 this morning when I tried him.
Had to call out of work, Dom was audibly pissed which made me feel like shit.
Pretty good despite a miserable morning.
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